R.D. Titus

Richard “Titus” CEO, Chairman, Coach, Founder, Father

After transitioning from the corporate world, I founded Andronik, an executive coaching venture dedicated to cultivating entrepreneurs and business leaders. I've gained some invaluable insights with over 35+ years of experience starting, growing, exiting, and sometimes shuttering businesses. Now, I’m in a phase of my career where I’m focused on giving back and eager to share my knowledge with you.

Are you struggling with scaling your business, navigating co-founder challenges, or balancing leadership intuition with board demands? Maybe you're facing a significant business change or considering an exit strategy. Confronting these common entrepreneurial challenges can benefit from a seasoned advisor who can offer objective guidance and enhance your performance. As your coach, I'm wholly committed to your success, free of other interests.

I'm thrilled to have expanded my services to include more tactical areas:  job interview and salary negotiation coaching, succession planning, co-founder conflict mediation, and coaching. These crucial career moments can benefit from strategic preparation. I'll provide you with the skills and confidence to excel in interviews and negotiate effectively.

Coaching is transformative, tackling immediate issues while building a foundation for long-term success. We'll focus on improving your interpersonal skills, leadership style, and communication. We'll also address any habits or mental barriers limiting your potential.

With nine years of certified coaching experience, I specialize in mentoring entrepreneurs and business leaders, particularly those in startups facing scaling and fundraising challenges. I also support 'intrapreneurs' in larger organizations.

Our journey starts with a 60-day program of weekly or bi-weekly sessions, each lasting 60 or 90 minutes. Available in person in Southern California or globally via Zoom, emails & phone calls, I'm committed to helping you reach your goals.